Drug Rehab Centre??

Question by ok go: Drug rehab centre??
I know that opening a Drub Rehab centre is good because addict people can be hopefully cured there…
but does it have any disadvantage???…like…affects on the poeple around…or…the houses prices going down??
any thing??
thanky ou

Best answer:

Answer by c0ns0l3_guy
Crime could increase in the surrounding area. My mother in law works at a drug-rehab clinic in an affluent area of my city. She says that petty theft and vandalism have increased.

I wouldn’t want to live near a drug-rehab clinic so I assume it must push the prices of housing down.

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Why 90 Day Drug Rehabs Are Better Than 30 – http://www.drugabusesolution.com These interviews of Narconon Riverbend drug rehab personnel show their opinions as to why 90 day drug rehab programs have a …