Coming Clean: The Photo Diary of a Heroin Addict
Coming clean: the photo diary of a heroin addict
Jailing somebody for being an addict is not going to help them, because it doesn't teach them anything. You need to teach people different thought processes and different ways of running their life. You might have started taking drugs just to party …
Read more on The Guardian
5 ways to help heroin addicts
With heroin deaths on the rise throughout the region, and police in the suburbs saying they are seeing the drug more and more, addicts and their families — along with health and law enforcement officials — are looking for help. More arrests are not …
Read more on Washington Post
Pregnant drug addicts will get jail time, not help
The idea may have the benefit of the babies in mind, but if legal action is a possibility, it is just as likely that women with an addiction will just avoid getting prenatal care altogether and possibly lose the chance to get the addiction treatment …
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