Prescription Drugs

Fight Drug Abuse by Turning in Excess Pills

Fight drug abuse by turning in excess pills
Local law enforcement agencies are teaming up with the Drug Enforcement Administration to help rid homes of unwanted or unused prescription drugs. The 8th National Prescription Drug Take-back Day will be held Saturday, April 22. Collection sites are open …
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Am I a Drug Addict? Any Help Appreciated.?

Question by xXbRoKeNtRuThXx: Am i a drug addict? any help appreciated.?
i have recently got out of a hospitalization for drug use, drug dealing, and being “out of control”. i am 16, i live at home with my parents. i have a lot of stress in my life, and in… Continue reading

Forum on Drug Abuse Hears From Recovering Addicts

Forum On Drug Abuse Hears from Recovering Addicts
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) _ The president’s top adviser on drug policy urged those recovering from drug addiction to give hope to others by speaking out, saying that stigma and denial about substance abuse are obstacles to treatment. Michael Botticelli …
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Forum on Drug Abuse Hears From Recovering Addicts

Forum on drug abuse hears from recovering addicts
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) – People who abused heroin and other drugs described how they quit as officials called for a comprehensive approach to deal with what they called an epidemic and scourge. Several people spoke at a forum in New Haven… Continue reading

Ameritox to Explore Implications of Legal Marijuana and the Illicit Drug’s Connection to Pain Medication Abuse at the National Rx Drug Abuse Summit

Ameritox To Explore Implications Of Legal Marijuana And The Illicit Drug’s Connection To Pain Medication Abuse At The National Rx Drug Abuse Summit
BALTIMORE, April 17, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Ameritox SM, the nation’s leader in medication monitoring solutions, will host a panel discussion at the 2014 National Rx Drug Abuse… Continue reading

Prescription Drug Abuse Increases on US Campuses

Prescription Drug Abuse Increases on US Campuses
Prescription drug abuse has increased in America and among college students with nearly half of full-time college students abusing prescription drugs, according to a Columbia University study. Nearly 25 percent of those college students meet the standards …
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