Need Help? Baby Sister on Heroin?

Question by : Need help? Baby sister on Heroin?
My baby sister just called me and told me that she is on heroin, she says that she has people after her and that she can not quit the drug on her own without becoming terribly ill. I know she needs my help and i am willing to take her children into my home while she goes to a rehab center, the only problem there is she doesn’t have any money, but i think she has a medical card, so is there a rehab center that anyone knows of near kentucky, ohio or indiana that will take in someone with a medical card? I don’t now what to do and really need some kind of advice.
p.s. does anyone know if any rehabs take people with medical cards?
medical card is like medicaid or medicare, whichever one isn’t for elderly people, the welfare one. and i would never turn my back on her, the reason she came to me is because i have battled my own addictions and she knows that because of that the last thing i would do is judge her. I still see her as my freckle face 7 year old stalker and would turn my back on her about the same time hell froze over.

Best answer:

Answer by Kevin C
i dont know if at indiana or kentucky it needs medical card, but im sure they cant deny the rehab if you got medical card i mean is insane if the dont

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