Is Marijuana a Part of Kentucky Culture ?

Question by JohnL: Is marijuana a part of kentucky culture ?
So basically the question says it all , no biased comments or any prohibitionists answers please , only the truth .

Best answer:

Answer by TheGuru
Kentucky, much like other rural areas of the US, has somewhat of a split perception of it. Most people are generally very strongly against the use of any and all drugs, including cannabis. But there are also a lot of people who grow it in the forested areas as a source of income. Sadly, places like Kentucky suffer from some of the worst addiction rates in the country, though generally not to illegal drugs but rather prescription pain killers and other pills. Due to the large number of disabled workers in Kentucky, many of whom require painkillers for legitimate medical reasons, the pills are widely available, and many doctors are willing to write prescriptions for these pills even to people that do not require them.

But interestingly, it is many of these people that are addicted to pills that are the most out-spoken against cannabis. It’s a shame, since cannabis is not habit forming (painkillers and many other pills are habit forming) and works as an effective painkiller itself, and is used as such in many of the states where medical cannabis is legal.

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