In Ky Are All Newborn Babies Drug Tested or Just if Your Suspected of Using?

Question by : in ky are all newborn babies drug tested or just if your suspected of using?
i am 28 weeks pregnant & i continued to use marijuana. i just dont know the Kentucky laws for drug testing newborns. do they only test them if i am suspected of using? & how long does it take for the babys system to be clean? & before you start downing me, i have asked my hospital which was worse during pregnancy, marijuana or ciggarretes, they said cigs. & i have done plenty of research. so leave your mean comments to yourself cause i honestly wont take none of it to heart.

Best answer:

Answer by Morgan
You should be alright… My best friend used pot up until the end of her pregnancy.

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Paducah Tilghman – Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness 60-second PSA – A month of work, days of filming, and upwards of 20 hours of editing created this video to share with everyone who is willing to watch. This, along with a 30-second version, will be submitted to the “Only as Prescribed” Initiative Media Contest. Thanks to Emerging Media Productions for letting us use their resources and thank you to everyone who participated. This was a fantastic project!


From Twitter:

Not nice police, not nice at all.

US judge: GPS use illegal in Kentucky drug bust – by hotboxpodcast (The Hot Box)


From Twitter:

#US Judge: #GPS Use Illegal in Kentucky Drug Bust – by amendment4 (4thAmendment)


From Twitter:

Federal judge: #GPS use illegal in Chicago-Kentucky drug bust // #USvJones #Privacy – by GeodataPolicy (Lea Shanley)