Did Obama’s Drug Use Contribute to His Lack of Understanding in Geography?

Question by Tallyman: Did Obama’s drug use contribute to his lack of understanding in Geography?
“I made some bad decisions … You know, got into drinking and experimenting with drugs, there was a whole stretch of time where I didn’t apply myself,” Obama confessed to the study hall class.

Obama added that it wasn’t until he went to college that he “started realizing, man, I wasted a lot of time.”

He thinks we have 57 states, maybe he was high during that class? Also, he thought Kentucky was closer to Arkansas than it really is, he never went to rehab so I wonder if he is still in an active addiction phase of illegal drug use?
great point Tide, I almost forgot that he spent a majority of his time studying something other than American studies!
I love when he said the President of Canada! That was so hysterical! I know all of the rest of the world is laughing hard at the USA!
nope he said states, not primaries, and he did not even campaign in all the primaries! He took his name off the ballot in Mich, and he did no campaigning in Florida! He is a very confused man. As for drugs, most do not do Cocaine, I know I never have or would!

Best answer:

Answer by TiedtoaRainbow
He wasn’t interested in our American states. He has focused his studies on the African continent.

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CLX Testifies in Support of Rx Drug Abuse Bill – On April 17, 2012, Commerce Lexington Inc. chief lobbyist Tyler Campbell testified in support of House Bill 1 during the Special Legislative Session along with Kentucky State Chamber President Dave Adkisson and Ron Wolf, representing Associated General Contractors of Kentucky. This bill was a priority for Commerce Lexington Inc. during the 2012 Legislative Session. Prescription drug abuse is a major cost driver for the Kentucky’s workers’ compensation system, and impaired workers create a major workplace safety issue.


Police, Pill Mills and Privacy

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More than seven million Americans use prescription drugs such as oxycodone for nonmedical reasons, dwarfing the 1.5 million addicted to cocaine, and Kentucky is an epicenter of abuse, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration.
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