Can You Be Sober From Drugs but Still Drink?
Question by Jessica: Can you be sober from drugs but still drink?
I was just wondering. I was looking at addiction articles that I have to write about for my class but can you be sober from drugs but still drink alcohol? Like you had a bad time with drugs but not alcohol. Or when they say you are sober you don’t drink either? Thanks 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by jess
Any drug and alcohol rehabilitation center will tell you an addict shouldn’t do drugs or drink. They will also warn you about other addictions like sex, gambling, etc.
Personally, before I got into law enforcement, I worked in a methadone clinic for about a year… And I knew a lot of my clients drank (without a problem) while maintaining their sobriety from heroin, coke, etc. it’s a choice you need to make on your own. If I tell a heroin addict to give up heroin AND alcohol, he’s going to fail. HE needs to decide what he is ready to give up. Internal vs external motivation plays a large role in the likelihood of success. Internal = success; External = failure
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Drug De-addiction Program – A talk by Sangeeta Jani, Sr Art of Living Teacher – Art of Living teacher Sangitaji explains bad effects of smoking, drugs. de-addiction program. SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: A humanitarian leade…