Any Good Rehab’s in Georgia?
Question by : Any good rehab’s in Georgia?
I just need a good drug rehab that inexpensive and that’s in Ga. My brother is 30, already been to 3. My mom wants to send him to another one
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Answer by A F
Set Free is one of the best if he will commit to the program. It is long term but has a high rate of people really changing their lives. I have met a number of people going through the program because they do community service at a ministry whose director we know. I have seen the way they change. They also have good follow up. Contact info
881 Dorsey Street
Gainesville, GA 30501-6619
(678) 450-8270
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NARCONON of Georgia gives Scientology information to the schools. – All about Scientology and the totally independent Narconon drug rehab program run by Scientologists for Scientology. For more information about Narconon visi…