Is It Legal for an Employer to Make an Employee Leave a Inpatient Drug Treatment Center Early?

Question by ricker712: Is it legal for an employer to make an employee leave a inpatient drug treatment center early?
I was in an inpatient treatment center and my employer made me leave early to keep my job. I was in there for 4 weeks and wanted to stay for 90 more days in which i was able to leave for work everyday. All I needed my employer to do was switch me with a summer help employee. The summer help comes every may to help anyone that needs time off. My employer refused to switch me with another employee that agreed to switch with me. Now 1 year later I recieved a drug test and my employer fired me for drug use when they didn’t provide the correct treatment for my needs. Is that legal is my question and if not who should I contact to help me with this situation? Me and my employer signed a contract saying I would complete a treatment program for this and they went agaisnt what was signed. If anyone has any information that’d help me out please let me know, Thanks alot for anything that you could help me out with

Best answer:

Answer by Songbyrd11
One issue. Did the agreement say four weeks or forever. He does not have to switch around employees to service your needs. He did not make you leave, he just said that if you wanted you job, you had to come back to work.

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