Are These Drugs Prescribable in the Philippines? for 10 Points?

Question by chielala: are these drugs prescribable in the Philippines? for 10 points?
1) acyclovir zovirax
2) bisacodyl dulcolax
3) ranitidine zantac-75

and what are the brand names for cefuroxime sodium here in the philippines? thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Andy Kaufmans Ghost
I don’t know but i do know you need some help with your Drug problems.
Have you thought about trying AA or NA?

You know the first step is to stop lying to yourself & admitting that your powerless to your addiction.

now where is my 10 points at?

“Tenk you veddy much”

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Drug addict convict turned Singaporean hero