Question About First Violation of Probation in Tennessee!?

Question by : Question about first violation of probation in Tennessee!?
Ok my brother lives in Tennessee. He’s on probation for a dui he got a few years ago. He saw his probation officer and paid the fines every month. His place of work moved to Kentucky so he had to go as well. My mom still drove up there every month to bring him back to take him to his probation officer. After a few months they laied him off. He didn’t have money to pay his proby officer and my mom couldn’t afford to go get him every month to take him. He stayed in Kentucky for 2 years and he finally decided to come back and turn himself in. He did so and bailed out and got a new job and turned his life around. He’s now doing great clean from drugs and alcohol and working hard. He’s even going to a treatment center every week for drugs and alcohol. When he went to court the judge gave him 30 days in jail for his first violation of probation. So he told the judge he wants a public defender. The public defender said he wont have to go to jail for that long because its his first violation of probation, he turned himself in, and he’s in treatment for drugs and alcohol. So my question is does anyone have any idea of how much time he’s looking at? Maybe someone has been in the same situation or a similar one and has an idea of what he may receive wether jail time or fines and or community service? Thanks in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by WATCHDOG ?/{_)(*
In a large number of cases with a violation of Probation the judge sentences the person to serve the time in prison instead of county jail and then returning to probation, your brother got lucky if he only got 30 days and what the public defender was probably referring to was good time off the 30, even jails give good time but they are not all the same.}{

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