14 Put on High School Addiction Program?
Question by Wilhelmina: 14 Put on high school addiction program?
I live in kansas city and The other day, I woke up and realised I had my physics project due in. So I left for school 2 hours early and went to the Starbucks, not to close from school I ordered 4-5 grande caramel macchiatos and did my project, on schrodingers cat but anyways. My teacher walked in saw me we talked for a minuet or so then he left. When I got to school I had physics first period, I got there and was shaking and could not stop. My teacher took me to the nurse and told her that I had drank way to much coffee, then I had completely crashed and was sent home. Now they have put me on an addiction program at the school, most of the kids there smoke weed, I swear I’m not an addict I have maybe 9 coffees a day but there instant and not very strong what should I do?
Best answer:
Answer by Mary Kontrarry
That many coffees a day is NOT GOOD. You’re addicted to caffeine. It’s very common.
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Janes Addiction – Starlight Kansas City 5-27-09 4 – JA.